To access your profile settings, click the left mouse button on your profile photo in the upper right corner and then select the “My Profile” option from the drop-down menu.
After clicking, “User settings” opens, where we enter our basic user data. We divide user settings into: “Basic”, “Account”, “Integrations”, and “Notifications”.
Basic: we fill in the blanks by following the input fields – name, surname, e-mail, profile photo, etc. We finish the action by clicking on “Save changes”.
Account: is a very important part of user settings because a series of operations related to password, payment, language are performed through this section. Therefore, be very careful when filling in the empty fields. The language of the interface allows you to choose between Croatian and English. When you finish filling the fields by following the prompts, you finish the action by clicking on “Save changes”.
Notifications: serves as a place where you select options whether or not you want to receive the information and notifications offered.
Integrations: enables connecting the Yazo application with your WordPress site and other services.